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A.Wallis Budge 1899 Page vi "In The Book of the Dead the title of Lord of the Dead is attributed to Osiris. In one of his aspects he was a personification of the corn, linking him to the annual cycle of birth, growth and death. Then there is a separate legend of his apotheosis as God of the Dead, with power to resurrect men from death as well as corn from the ground. Osiris was of divine origin and reigned as a king on earth; having reclaimed the Egyptians from savagery and cannibalism, he gave them laws. He introduced the cultivation of the vine and corn, travelling to distant parts in order to spread their benefits. At length he returned triumphantly to his homeland, but his brother Set, with seventy-two accomplices was bent on his ruin. He stealthily obtained Osiris's measure-ments and constructed ahighly decorated coffer corresponding to the size of his brother. In the middle of a feast he jestingly promised thecoffer to the man /Page viii / whom it fitted exactly. Osiris was the last man to try it, and had no sooner stretched himself out thanthe conspirators surged forward, slammed down the lid, nailed it, soldered it with molten lead and flung it into Nile The coffer floated out to sea, finally drifting ashore at Byblus, where an Erica tree suddenly sprang up and enclosed the chest in its trunk. Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, heard of this occurrence and travelled to Byblus in order to request the coffer. After many tribulations she succeeded in recovering it, and then hid it while on a visit to her son Horus. As luck would have it, Set stumbled on the coffer while out hunting, recognised the body, and cut it into fourteen pieces which he scattered. Isis now set out to recover the limbs; with the help of the gods she reconstituted the body of the murdered Osiris, swathed it in linen bandages and performed all the other requisite rites. As she fanned the cold body with her wings, Osiris revived and thenceforth reigned over the land of the dead 9 "Notes 9 Sir J. G. Frazer, The Golden Bough, vol.60, Chapter 1. The scribe writ, there is more to this that meets the Pi 'seventy-two accomplices' x 'fourteen pieces' = 1008 Azin Ra and the Eight. writ the scribe GOD'SECRET FORMULA Peter Plichta 1997 Page 122 (continues) "The number 81 is the product of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3; 3 4 = 81. The numbers 3, 4, and 81 had been on my mind for years, and suddenly their interrelation appeared as a ' 3- to-the-power-of- law '. If God had simply arranged the 81 elements according to the ordinal numbers 1, 2, 3, 81, researchers would have discovered this fact a long time ago. Scofield References Page 1353 Verse13 "On the east three gates; on the north; three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates." 3 3 3 3 "The number 81 is the product of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3; 3 4 = 81" Look said Zed Aliz to the scribe do you now see the eighteen. No said the scribe I see 81 good said Zed Aliz. The very far yonder scribe writ 18
The scribe gets that card marked FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS Graham Hancock 1995 Page 274 / 275 "The pre-eminent number in the code is 72. To this is frequently added 36,making 108, and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to divide it by 2 to get 54, which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed as 540 (or as 54,000, or as 540,000, or as 5,400,000, and so on). Also highly significant is 2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctialpoint to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multipliedby 10 and by factors of ten (to give 216,000, 2,160,000, and so on) " and sometimes by 2 to give 4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum. "Once more with feeling said Zed Aliz.The scribe scribbled 3 + 6 = 9 and 4 + 3 + 2 = THAT number that never waz. ZedAlizZed gets down to some serious revision. The scribe thanked the good brother, and executed another side long glance ahead. Page 274 "The pre-eminent number in the code is 72. To this is frequently added 36, " The pre-eminent number in the code is 72 7+2 = 9 To this is frequently added 3 + 6 is 9 or 3 x 6 is 18 and 1+ 8 is 9 making 108, making1 + 8 = 9, and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to or to divide it by 2 to get 54, and it is permissible to multiply 1+8 by1 to get 9 which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed divide it by 2 to get 5 + 4 = 9 which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed as 540 (or as 54,000, or as 540,000, or as 5,400,000, and so on). as 90 (or as 9,000, or as 90,000, or as 900,000, and so on).
Alizzed continues the path of numerical transposition
Also highly significant is 2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctial point to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied point to transit one zodiacal constellation), Also highly significant is 2 +1 + 6 = 9 (the number of years required for the equinoctialpoint to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied point to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied by 10 and by factors of ten (to give 216,000, 2,160,000, and so on) and by 10 and by factors of 10 ( and to give 9,000, 90,000, and so on) "sometimes by 2 to give 4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum." sometimes by 2 to give 4 + 3 = 7 + 2 = 9, or 4 + 3 = 7 +,2 = 9, or 4 + 3 = 7 + 2 = 9, or 4, + 3 = 7 + 2,= 9 ad infinition" "Let us not forget that they occur in a myth which is present at the very dawn of writing in Egypt (indeed elements of the Osiris story are to be found in the Pyramid Texts dating back to around 2450 BC, in a context which suggests that they were exceedingly old then). Hipparchus, the so-called discoverer of precession lived in the second century BC. He proposed a value of 45 or 46 seconds of arc for one year of precessional motion. These figures yield a one-degree shift along the ecliptic in 80 years (at 45 arc seconds per annum). The true figure, as calculated by twentieth century science, is 71.6 years. If Sellers's theory is correct, therefore, the 'Osiris numbers', which give a value of 72 years, are significantly more accurate than those of Hipparchus . Indeed, within the obvious confines imposed by narrative structure, it is difficult to see how the number 72 could have been improved upon, even if the more precise figure had been known to the ancient myth-makers. One can hardly insert 71.6 conspirators into a story, but 72 will fit comfortably."
The scribe, expressing reservations, about all this shard sharp refraction shuffling that AlizZed was making, gained a measure of reassurance, after ZedAlizZed administered a quick cuff round back a't fore- head, saying tis all in a good cause scribe, gerronwiit. MATHEMATICS and the IMAGINATION Edward Kasner and James Newman 1940 Page 357
THE BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS Barry H. Downing 1968 Page 125 " A Time magazine essay, 'A Fresh Look at Flying Saucers,' points out how difficult long-distance space travel becomes. 'Even the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.3 light years away." Thus faithfully recorded the far yonder Scribe
Graham Hancock 1995 Page 275 "Working from this rounded-up figure, the Osiris myth is capable of yielding a value of 2160 years for a precessional shift through one complete house of the zodiac. The correct figure, according to today's calculations,is 2148 years.The Hipparchus figures are 2400 years and 2347.8 years respectively. Finally, Osiris enables us tocalculate 25,920 as the number of years required for the fulfilment of a complete precessional cycle through 12 houses of the zodiac." /Page 276/ "Hipparchus gives us either 28,800 or 28,173.6 years. The correct figure, by today's estimates, is 25,776 years. The Hipparchus calculations for the Great Return are therefore around 3000 years out of kilter. The Osiris calculations miss the true figure by only 144 years, and may well do so because the narrative context forced a rounding-up of the base number from the correct value of 71.6 to a more workable figure of 72" The scribe writ 2 + 8 + 8 is 18 and then writ 2 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 is 27 then writ 1 + 8 is 9 and 2 + 7 is 9. Andfffffffinally writ 1 + 4 + 4 is 9 followed by 144 x 360 = 51840 and left it that that. "All this however, assumes that Sellers is right to suppose that the numbers 360, 72, 30 and 12 did not find their way into the Osiris myth by chance but were placed there deliberately by people who understood - and had accurately measured - precession."Osiris enables us to calculate 25,920 as the number of years required for thefulfilment of a complete precessional cycle through 12 houses of the zodiac." 25920 ÷ 432 iz 6025920 ÷ 360 iz 7225920 ÷ 54 iz 4825920 ÷ 45 iz 57625920 ÷ 30 iz 864 25920 ÷ 18 iz 144025920 ÷ 12 iz 216025920 ÷ 9 iz 288025920 ÷ 8 iz 324025920 ÷ 6 iz 43225920 ÷ 5 iz 518425920 ÷ 4 iz 6480
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS Graham Hancock 1995 Page276 "An example was given in Chapter Thirty-three - the Norse myth of the 432,000 fighters who sallied forth from Valhalla to do battle with "the Wolf'. A glance back at the myth shows that it contains several permutations of 'precessional numbers ". Alizzed said to the scribe do it scribe, do it once and for all, just do it. And so the far yonder scribe did it. 4 + 3 + 2 is 9 and 4 x 3 x 2 is 24 and 2 + 4 = 6 x nine is 54 24 x 9 is 2160 . . . 2 + 1 + 6 is 9 " Likewise, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-four, ancient Chinese traditions referring to a universalcataclysm were said to have been written down in a great text consisting of precisely 4320 volumes." 4+3+2 "Thousands of miles away, is it a coincidence that the Babylonian historian Berossus (third centuryBC) ascribed a total reign of 432,000 years to the mythical kings who ruled the land of Sumer before the flood? And is it likewise a coincidence that this same Berossus ascribed 2,160,000 years to the period 'between creation and universal catastrophe?" 2,160,000. Divide by nine, said ZedalizZed 216 ÷ 9 = 24 and 2 + 4 = 6 216 ÷ 3 = 72 and 7 + 2 = 9 Sumer x 432 = 2160 Thus writ the far yonder scribe Graham Hancock 1995 276 / 7 "Do the myths of ancient Amerindian peoples like the Maya also contain or enable us to compute numbers such as 72, 2160, 4320, etc." writ the scribe as in an emergency "We shall probably never know, thanks to the conquistadores and zealous friars who destroyed the traditional heritage of Central America and left us so little to work with. What we can say, however, is that the relevant numbers do turn up, in relative profusion, in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Details of that calendar were given in Chapter Twenty-one. The numerals necessary for calculating precession are found there in these formulae: 1 Katun = 7200 days; 1 Tun = 360 days; 2 Tuns = 720 days;" 5 Baktuns = 720,000 days; 5 Katuns = 36,000 days; 6 Katuns = 43,200 days; 6 Tuns = 2160 days; = 9 = 9 = 9 = 9 15 Katuns = 2,160,000 days. = 9 ATLANTIS Otto Muck 1976 Page 279 "C.W.Ceram in Gods, Graves and Scholars (1971) writes: " Page 280 " And of Mayan documents from preconquistador times exactly three manuscripts are left to us.These three documents have remained undeciphered. One of them is the Codex Troanus. But oddly enough, it wasnot the three authentic codices which came to the aid of the research workers, but a small, yellowed little-readmanuscript dated 1566 and entitled Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan. Its author was Diego de Landa, the secondarchbishop of Yucatan. He was a man of strong faith but also of an enquiring mind. It was a great stroke of luck that Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg acquired this key to deciphering the most impor-tant Maya documents, and that he knew how to make use of it. For this little book contained the symbols which the Maya used to indicate their numbers, their days and their months. This sign language was found in innumerable reliefs covering everytemple and stair column and frieze. Until the discovery of the key, it had appeared to be nothing but a puzzling and unintelligible accumulation of bizarre human and animal faces carved in stone. Then it was suddenly realized that these were not orna-ments, but were the symbols for numbers, days, andmonths. These carvings represented astronomical data of the greatest importance. Ceram writes: ... everywhere in the mayan art, in buildings that had been raised tier on tier in the jungle without the aid of draft animals or carts, in sculptures executed in stone with stone tools, there was not a single ornament or relief, ani-mal frieze or sculptured figure, that was not directly related /Page 281 / to some specific date. Every piece of Mayan construction was part of a great calendar in stone. There was no such thing as random arrangement; the Mayan aethetic had a mathematical basis. Apparently meaningless repetitions and abrupt breaks in the conformation of the gruesome stone visages were, it appeared, occasioned by the need for expressing a certain number or some particular calendrical intercalation This calendrical correlation of Mayan art and architecture was unique.There could be no doubt that this was a most astonishing discovery. How could it be explained? Were those who ordered these structures to be built monomaniacs, obsessed with an idée fixe that obliged them to have everythingdated with the greatest possible precision? There seems to be no other possible explanation. The Mayas do not appear to have erected their great sacred buildings for such ephemeral reason as a victory, an epidemic, or similar memorial. Without exception, they erected their buildings only when the periodicity of their calendar demanded it. All the outward decoration of thesestructures consisted of the date of their erection. Every building was constructed to conform with the demands of the calendar; each was a dedication, as it were, to the lord of Time. So strong was this obsession that at the beginning of each of the most important calendar cycles, which spanned fifty-two years, they built a new perimeter,each larger than its predecessor, around the beautifully kept and well-preserved temple pyramids. In 1925 excavations were carried out on the old serpent pyramid on the western outskirts of Mexico City, not farfrom the heart of this modern metropolis. This was not a simple temple pyramid, but consisted of core stone with eight super-imposed "skins", each complete with its chronological orna-ments. An examination of these revealed thata new skin was built around the former one every 52 years. this had continued for 364 years. Examples of this curious"onion skin" design have been found in other temple complexes that have been excavated since." |